Frequently Asked Questions
Who can attend UWAC?
We welcome any first-year university or college student who has an interest in accounting, finance, or business to register for our conference. This isn’t just an accounting conference; we cover topics that are important for everyone!
What is the cost to attend UWAC?
UWAC is an in-person event this year and costs $30 per student ($20 for early bird pricing).
When can I choose my team?
Each delegate will have the option to choose up to three students to compete with when completing the application form. Please note that each team consists of four students and any unfilled spots will be randomly assigned.
While we cannot guarantee that all team preferences will be fulfilled, we will do our best to match your requested team.
Can I apply individually?
Of course! You will have the opportunity to meet a number of new faces!
What if I have trouble submitting my application?
If you experience problems when submitting your application or uploading any documents, please email and attach any outstanding documents there.
How can I join the Executive team at UWAC?
Please follow us on Instagram for any hiring announcements.